Au debut
One more week of training before the workation to Puerto Vallarta🏖️
I’m looking forward to it, of course, but I’ve got anxiety over it, too.
Let’s just hope I can get my relaxation there…
Sunday – Treadmill Walking

There were so many people in that small gym today. Good that I was only doing cardio.
Monday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Air Squat : 10-10-10 reps
- Lunge : 8-8-8 reps
- Superset
- Deadlift : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 140 lbs
- 45° Leg Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 245 lbs
- Superset
- Lying Leg Curl Machine : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 70 lbs
- Seated Leg Extension : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 130 lbs
- Superset
- Standing Calf Raise Plate-loaded : 12-12-12 reps, 180 lbs
- Seated Calf Raise : 12-12-12 reps, 25 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
It was a little rough session because we upped the weight on the first group. But there was still a little bit of reserve left at the second. Felt good though. I feel like finally I’m getting a hang of them deadlift.
Tuesday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Standing DB Shoulder Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 15 lbs
- Standing BB Upright Row : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 70 lbs
- Superset
- Incline DB Bicep Curl : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 22.5 lbs
- Lying DB Tricep Extension : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 25 lbs
- Superset
- Cable Tricep Push-down : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 220 lbs
- Standing DB Bicep Curl : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 17.5 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
It was an alright session today. Them shoulder presses… Don’t know how my left shoulder feels on the day so always hesitate to put more weights… Could have put more this morning.
Wednesday – Treadmill Walking

I didn’t sleep much last night. Thanks to my husband… Such a rough walk this morning.
Thursday – Circuit Training
- Circuit : 4 rounds
- BB Hang Clean and Strict Press : 8 x 15 lbs
- BB Standing Bent-over Row : 8 x 65 lbs
- Forward Sled Push : 45 lbs
- Reverse Sled Pull : 45 lbs
- Reverse Crunch (Kick at the top) 12 reps
- Half Kneeling Trunk Twist Right – 8 x 25 lbs
- Half Kneeling Trunk Twist Left – 8 x 25 lbs
- 2 Min Bike Ride
- 10 Min Bike Ride
It was a quick session. Light sweat and good feeling in my legs. Wish I could do more on my shoulders though…
Friday – Weight Lifting
- Superset
- EB Reverse Fly Palm-down : 10-10-10 reps, Orange Band
- Push-up : 8-8-8 reps
- Superset
- BB Bench Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 135 lbs
- Cable Lat Pull-down (V Grip) : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 120 lbs
- Superset
- DB Incline Bench Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 37.5 lbs
- Seated Cable Row : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 110 lbs
- Superset
- Cable Tricep Push-down : 12-12-12 reps, 220-200-180 lbs
- Standing DB Bicep Curl : 12-12-12 reps, 22.5 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
Alright! It was a good session. Love this Friday session. After the vacay, we will start the new programme (or so I was told). Let’s see what that will be!
Saturday – Treadmill Walking

Yaas! I wasn’t feeling it but went and did it!
Notes to me-self
I did what I could do before the vacay.
Not the result I was looking for but it is what it is.
2025 has just started.
Keep it steady.
