Wk 26-2023 Workout Dairy | Kevin's Journal
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Wk 26-2023 Workout Dairy

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Au Debut

This past long weekend was spent drinking, drinking and more drinking.

And the workout after such weekend is always VERY hard.


  • Superset
    • Incline DB Bench Press : 45lbs 1 x10, 55lbs 4 x10
    • Lying DB Fly : 45lbs 4 x8, x3 (Failed)
  • Cable Fly : 40lbs 4 x10
  • Chin-up : 3 x10, x8, x3 (Failed)
  • Superset -Seated Cable Row
    • Wide Grip : 45lbs 4 x10
    • Under Grip : 40bs 4 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Sit Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 65lbs 1 x10, 95lbs 1 x6, 115lbs 1 x6, 135lbs 1 x6, 155lbs 4 x6
  • Leg Extension (3 second pose at the top) : 3 x8
  • Leg Curl (2 second pose at the top, 4 second to come up) : 3 x6
  • Leg Press : 80lbs 3 x2 min (2 min rest)
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Standing BB Shoulder Press : 45lbs 2 x8, 65lbs 3 x8
  • Superset
    • Seated DB Side Raise : 15lbs 4 x10
    • Seated DB Front Raise : 12.5lbs 4 x10
  • Arnold Press : 15lbs 3 x10
  • Superset
    • Seated Incline DB Bicep Curl : 20lbs 4 x10
    • Tricep Cable Rope Pushdown : 55lbs 1 x10, 65lbs 3 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Notes to meself


Serious muscle pain!!!




All on fire????

Very goooood burning sensation.

Let’s see how I feel next week.


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