Au Debut
Workout after a long weekend is always a rough one.
I know I ate loads of crap food and countless bottles of wine.
My scale even tells me that I am “Gaining Fat” ????
Let’s hope I can control my weight this week.
- Superset
- BB Bench Press : 95lbs 1 x10, 115lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 1 x8, 155lbs 1 x8, 175lbs 2 x6
- Seated Cable Row : 102lbs 2 x10, 120lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Cable Chest Fly : 45lbs 4 x10
- Dual Cable Lat Pulldown : 100lbs 4 x10
- Incline DB Fly : 15lbs 4 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Sit Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 95lbs 1 x10, 115lbs 1 x8, 135lbs 1 x6, 155lbs 1 x6, 175lbs 2 x6
- Leg Extension (In-Out-Neutral) : 80lbs 4 x6-6-6
- Leg Curl (In-Out-Neutral) : 50lbs 4 x6-6-6
- Leg Press : 100lbs 1 min continuous + 1 min rest x3
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Superset
- Standing BB Shoulder Press : 45lbs 1 x10, 65lbs 4 x8
- Arnold Press : 20lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Hammer Curl Bar : 75lbs 2 x10, 2 x8
- Seated Incline DB Bicep Curl : 20lbs 2 x8, 1 x6, 1 x4
- Superset
- Dip : Bodyweight 4 x8
- Cable Overhead Tricep Extension : 120lbs 4 x10
- Down The Rack (Bicep Curl) : 20lbs 1 x8, 17.5lbs x8, 15lbs 1 x6, 12.5lbs 1 x6, 10lbs 1 x6, 7.5lbs 1 x6
- Down The Stack (Tricep Pulldown) : 80lbs 1 x8, 60lbs 1 x8, 50lbs 1 x8, 40lbs 1 x8, 30lbs 1 x8, 20lbs 1 x8, 10lbs 1 x8
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Notes to meself
I’m loving it.
All week long, I’ve been having muscle pain somewhere. It’s been a long time since I felt like this, and I’m loving it.
“2 min continuous Leg Press”. This IS a serious leg-killer exercise. To me, at least.
And the down the rack and down the stack‼️
After doing them, my arms are so swollen LMAO. Eric says, “Now you are officially ready for the weekend”????
All of these workouts for self-satisfaction.
And I feel alright so t’a ????

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