Au debut
I’ve got only 2 more weeks before the workation~!!
I’m sure I can’t get my body to where I wanted it to be by then.
But I can try, right?
Sunday – Treadmill Walking

Phew I did it! It felt sooo long today. I ate too much carb this weekend and I can feel it. It won’t go away by just walking either 😮💨 No wonder I don’t get tighter.
Monday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Air Squat : 10-10-10
- Lunge alternated : 8-8-8
- Superset
- 45° Leg Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 225 lbs
- BB Deadlift : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 135 lbs
- Superset
- Lying Leg Curl Machine : 10-10-10-10 reps, 70 lbs
- Seated Leg Extension Machine : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 130 lbs
- Superset
- Standing Calf Raise – Plateloaded : 12-12-12 reps, 140 lbs
- Seated Calf Raise Machine : 12-12-12 reps, 25 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
Loved it! It was one of the tough sessions but I felt good. Very good. Let’s get them legs bigger!!!
Tuesday – Weight Training
- Superset
- DB Shoulder Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 12.5-12.5-15-15-15 lbs
- BB Upright Row : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 65 lbs
- Superset
- DB Lying Tricep Extension : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 22.5 lbs
- DB Incline Bicep Curl : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 20 lbs
- Superset
- Cable Tricep Push-down : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 160 lbs
- Standing DB Hammer Curl : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 15 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
Yeah, I got chickened out again. Could have used heavier weights on most exercises. Shoulder Press needs to go up to 20 or 22.5lbs, Tricep Extension needs to go up to probably to 30lbs, Bicep Curl to 25lbs, Tri-push-down to 200lbs, Hammer Curl to probably 22.5lbs…It’s all because of this funny arm💢 Feeling much better but still get the pinching sensation… Will see how it progresses for the rest of the week.
Wednesday – Treadmill Walking

I guess I didn’t push as much as I did on Sunday. I was focused on the show I was watching more??
Thursday – Weight Training
- Superset
- EB Reverse Fly Palm-down : 10-10-10 reps, Orange Band
- Incline Push-up : 8-8-8 reps
- Superset
- BB Bench Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 135 lbs
- Cable Lat Pull-down : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 120 lbs
- Superset
- DB Incline Bench Press : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 37.5lbs
- Seated Cable Row : 10-10-10-10-10 reps, 110 lbs
- Superset
- Cable Tricep Push-down : 12-12-12 reps, 200 lbs
- DB Bicep Curl : 12-12-12 reps, 20 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
Felt sooo good this morning after the session. I guess I can up the weight a little bit more again next week.
Friday – Circuit Training
- Circuit Training x 4 Rounds
- BB hang Clean and Strict Press : 8 reps, 75 lbs
- Standing BB Bent-over Row : 8 reps, 95 lbs
- Sled Forward Push : 10 lbs -> 35 lbs x 2 -> 45 lbs
- Sled Reverse Pull : 10 lbs -> 35 lbs x 2 -> 45 lbs
- Reverse Crunch (kick up)
- Half Kneeling Trunk Twist both sides : 8 reps, 70 lbs
- Stationary Bike Ride : 2 min
- Finisher – Leg Press (Down-the-stack)
- 10 reps, 225 lbs
- 12 reps, 135 lbs
- 15 reps, 45 lbs
- 10 Min Bike Ride
It was a good session. I believe I twisted in the wrong direction today though… Anywho, I did them and feeling good. That’s all that matters.
Saturday – Treadmill Walking

Notes to me-self
Word is out.
I’m just a chicken.
I need to up the weights when we do them weight training or won’t gain and maintaining as-is.
One more week before going on the vacay (or workation)…
Didn’t get to where I wanted to be but at least I’ve cut some fat (I think…)
By the end of this year, I really want to gain about 10lbs more muscle mass at the current body fat or less…
Long way to go.
