Au Debut
I was travelling in Japan last week so no workout.
Just walked a lot ????
Sunday I rested so Monday became the start of the week.
Monday – Treadmill Walking

Tuesday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Incline Bench DB Chest Press : 40lbs 2 x8, 45lbs 2 x8
- Cable Lat Pulldown : 120lbs 4 x8
- Superset
- Lying DB Chest Press : 47.5lbs 4 x8
- T-Bar Row : 45lbs 1 x10, 60lbs 3 x10
- Superset
- Cable Chest Fly : 100lbs 4 x10
- Rear Delt Fly : 80lbs 4 x10
- 5 min Bike Ride
Wednesday – Weight Training
- Deep Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 65lbs 1 x10, 85lbs 1 x4, 115lbs 1 x8, 135lbs 3 x8
- Superset
- Leg Extension : 100lbs 4 x10
- Leg Curl : 65lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Decline Reverse Crunch : 4 x10
- Side-to-Side Medicine Ball Slam : 4 x10
- Hip Thrust : 70lbs 4 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Thursday – Treadmill Walking

Friday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Incline Bench DB Hammer Bicep Curl : 20lbs 4 x10
- Seated Overhead DB Tricep Extension : 30lbs 1 x10, 45lbs 3 x10
- Superset
- EZ-Bar Preacher Reverse Curl : 40lbs 4 x10
- Straight-bar Cable Tricep Push-down : 70lbs 4 x10
- Down-the-Rack DB Bicep Hammer Curl : 2 x [27.5lbs x8, 25lbs x4, 22.5lbs x4, 20lbs x4]
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Saturday – Treadmill Walking

Note to meself
It was after the short business trip to Japan.
Eric was very considerate and made this week a “re-introducing week” and keep the workouts light with heaps of rest time.
I still felt the tension but not over exhausting myself either.
That was really good to my body.
Enough shock but not enough to be knackerred.
Next week will be different he says but let’s see how it goes.
But WTF with my left elbow…

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