Wk 39-2023 Workout Diary | Kevin's Journal
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Wk 39-2023 Workout Diary

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Still, I’ve got some muscle pains from last week’s workouts.

Especially, my forearm on my right arm has been sooo tight that I have to stretch it all the time.

Let’s hope this won’t affect this week’s workouts.


  • Superset
    • Incline Bench DB Chest Press : 47.5lb 4 x10
    • Seated Cable Row : 120lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 3 x10
  • Superset
    • BB Bench Press : 95lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 1 x8, 155lbs 1 x6, 175lbs 1 x6, 185lbs 1 x4
    • Cable Lat Pull-down : 120lbs 1 x8, 150lbs 4 x8
  • Pec Fly – Drop Sets:
    • 8-6-6-6 : 80lbs – 70lbs – 60lbs – 50lbs
    • 8-6-6-6 : 110lbs – 100lbs – 90lbs – 80lbs
    • 8-6-6-6-6-6 : 120lbs – 110lbs – 100lbs – 90lbs – 80lbs – 70lbs
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 95lbs 1 x10, 115lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 1 x8, 155lbs 3 x8
  • Leg Press : 155lbs 3 x15
  • Superset
    • Back Extension : Body weight 3 x8
    • Hip Thrust : 70lbs 3 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Superset
    • Incline Bench DB Bicep Curl : 27.5lbs 4 x8
    • Lying DB Skull Crusher : 30lbs 4 x8
  • Superset
    • DB Hammer Curl : 25lbs 4 x10
    • EZ Bar Overhead Tricep Extension : 50lbs 4 x10
  • Superset
    • Zottman Curl : 20lbs 4 x12
    • Cable Tricep Pull-down : 200lbs 4 x12
  • Superset
    • DB Wrist Curl – Inward : 7.5lbs 3 x10
    • DB Wrist Curl – Outward : 10lbs 3 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Notes to meself

The depth of squats has gotten as deep as I can possibly go.

For a long time, I was doing “Sit Squat” and “Pin Squat” but now no more pins!!!

Just me and weights!

Eric keep telling me that I can lift more weight but I’m such a chicken shit.

I hesitate. Maybe next week I try more. Who knows ????

My forearm was still sore from the workouts on last Friday so we kept it cool but more repetitions.

Other than squats, workouts have been bluh this week.

Not much energy…

Let’s hope next week’s workouts will be a blast.

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