Wk 40-2023 Workout Diary | Kevin's Journal
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Wk 40-2023 Workout Diary

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Can’t believe we are already in October!

We only have three more months left this year…

Christmas is around the corner innit!

Let’s see how my workouts go this week.


  • Superset
    • Incline Bench DB Chest Press : 50lbs 1 x10, 55lbs 4 x10
    • Cable Lat Pull-down (Wide Grip) : 120lbs 1 x10, 130lbs 4 x10
  • Superset
    • BB Bench Press : 95lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 1 x10, 155lbs 2 x8, 155lbs 1 x7
    • Cable Lat Pull-down (Reverse Grip) : 120lbs 5 x10
  • Superset
    • Cable Chest Fly : 30lbs 4 x10
    • Seated Row : 130lbs 4 x10
  • Pec Fly (Drop Set)
    • 70lbs – 60lbs – 50lbs – 40lbs – 30lbs x3
  • 5 Bike Ride


  • Squat : 115lbs 1 x10, 135lbs 1 x8, 155lbs 4 x8
  • Hip Thrust : 135lbs 4 x10
  • Superset
    • Leg Extension : 120lbs 4 x10
    • Leg Curl : 70lbs 4 x10
  • Leg Press : 200lbs 3 x15
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Superset
    • Arnold Press : 30lbs 4 x10
    • DB Side Lateral Raise : 12.5lbs 4 x10
  • Superset
    • Rear Delt Fly : 70lbs 4 x10
    • Shoulder Press Machine – Drop Set
      • 80lbs – 70lbs – 60lbs – 50lbs 8-6-6-6 x1
      • 70lbs – 60lbs – 50lbs – 40lbs 8-6-6-6 x3
  • Superset
    • Incline Bench DB Bicep Curl : 27.5lbs 3 x10
    • EZ Bar Skull Crusher : 50lbs 3 x8
  • Superset
    • Reverse DB Curl : 20lbs 3 x10
    • Cable Rope Tricep Pull-down : 70lbs 3 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Notes to meself

Oh boy.

I’ve been feeling the age this week.

Muscle pains are normal with weight lifting.

AND the joint pains are common too but oh boy, I’ve been feeling both for the past week or so.

This week has been hellish pain.

I definitely need to go to massage more often.

Even muscles down and around my neck are so tight and hurts to move my head around.

Let’s hope I can find a good one soon.

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