Mid week of May.
The weather has gotten so much better that people began wearing short sleeve shirts.
I even saw some lads wearing shorts over this past weekend.
Is it time for me to show my new guns, as well?? ???? ????
- Superset
- Incline Dumbbell Chest Press : 35lbs x10, 50lbs x10, 55lbs x10, 65lbs 2 x10
- Seated Cable Row : 120lbs x10, 135lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Lying Dumbbell Fly : 25lbs 4 x10
- Rear Delt Fly : 40lbs 4 x10
- Drop Set : Cable Lat Pulldown
- 135lbs x8 >>> 125lbs x6 >>> 115lbs x6 >>> 90lbs x6
- 125lbs x8 >>> 115lbs x6 >>> 90lbs >>> x6 >>> 80lbs x6
- 90lbs x6 >>> 80lbs >>> x4 >>> 60lbs x4 >>> 45lbs >>> x4
- Drop Set : Chest Press Machine
- 140lbs x8 >>> 130lbs x6 >>> 120lbs x6 >>> 110lbs x6
- 130lbs x8 >>> 120lbs x6 >>> 110lbs x6 >>> 100lbs x6
- 130lbs x8 >>> 110lbs x4 >>> 100lbs x6 >>> 90lbs x6 >>> 80lbs x6
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Sit Squat : 85lbs x10, 105lbs x10, 125lbs x6, 145lbs x6, 155lbs x4, 165lbs x4
- Superset – Leg Extension 75lbs
- Inner x6
- Outer x6
- Normal x6
- Superset – Leg Curl
- Inner 40lbs x6, 50lbs x6, 60lbs 2 x6
- Outer 40lbs x6, 50lbs x6, 60lbs 2 x6
- Hip Thrust with 70lbs sandbag : 3 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Superset
- Seated Shoulder Press : 25lbs 4 x10
- Front Dumbbell Raise : 10.5lbs 1 x10, 15lbs 3 x8
- Bent-Over Side Raise : 7.5lbs 1 x10, 10.5lbs 3 x8
- Superset
- Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl : 22.5lbs 4 x10
- Standing Dumbbell Bicep Curl – Overhand : 12lbs 4 x8
- Reverse Incline Dumbbell Hummer Curl : 10.5lbs 1 x8, 10lbs 3 x8
- Superset
- Skull Crusher – Ez bar : 85lbs 4 x10
- Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extension : 45lbs 4 x8
- Cable Tricep Extension – Rope : 45lbs 4 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Notes to meself
Tuesday’s chest/back workouts?
I was dead by the end of the session and that was the first ever since I started here.
I had hard time going up the staircases on Wednesday after leg workouts but felt fine next day.
I shouldn’t have told that to the trainer though.
Good call, Kev. ????????♂️ Now he’s going to up the training…
Friday’s Arm Bluster day and yep my arms look way huge after workout.
Eric, me trainer, says that I’ve gotten much stronger so we will be training with more weights and intensity????
I’m not sure if I’m mentally ready for that…

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