Au Debut
It’s week 17 out 52 already!
I’ve got only 4 weeks before going to DR (Dominican Republic).
Gotta get them workouts in!
- Superset
- Incline Dumbbell Bench Press : 35lbs 1 x10, 45lbs 3 x10
- Cable Lad Pulldown : 90lbs 1 x10, 105lbs 3 x10
- Sit Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 55lbs 1 x10, 65lbs 1 x10, 75lbs 1 x10, 85lbs 1 x10
- Dropset – Seated Cable Row (Underhand)
- 90lbs x8, 60lbs x4, 50lbs x4, 30lbs x4
- 100lbs x8, 80lbs x4, 60lbs x4, 40lbs x4, 30lbs x4
- 100lbs x8, 80lbs x4, 60lbs x4, 40lbs x4, 30lbs x4
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Superset
- Superset
- Standing Barbell Shoulder Press : 45lbs 4 x10
- Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise : 15lbs 4 x10
- Bent-over Dumbbell Lateral Raise : 10lbs 1 x10, 12.5lbs 3 x10
- Leg Extension : 100lbs 4 x10
- Leg Curl : 50lbs 1 x10, 55lbs 3 x10
- Dropset – Shoulder Press Machine
- 100lbs x6, 80lbs x4, 70lbs x4, 60lbs x4, 50lbs x4
- 90lbs x6, 80lbs x4, 70lbs x4, 60lbs x4, 50lbs x4
- 90lbs x6, 80lbs x4, 70lbs x4, 60lbs x4, 50lbs x4
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Superset
- Seated Incline Dumbbell Bicep Curl : 20lbs 4 x10
- Standing EZ-Bar Bicep Curl : 44lbs 4 x8
- Preacher Bench EZ-Bar Reverse Bicep Curl : 24lbs 4 x8
- Superset
- Skull Crusher : 44lbs 4 x10
- Overhead Tricep Extension : 35lbs 4 x10
- Cable Tricep Pushdown : 55lbs 4 x10
- Calf Exercises
- Standing Calf Raise : 160lbs 4 x10
- Seated Calf Raise : 45lbs 4 x10
- Seated Toe Raise : 15lbs 4 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Notes to meself
I’m feeling FANTASTIC!
Especially after working on them legs and shoulders like before.
Not as much, weight-wise but certainly getting stronger.
Fridays’ “Arm Buster” isn’t fun but o’ boy!
The guns are OUT!! ????
Eric says, “My goal is for your arms to fill out your shirt” lol
Well, we are getting there quickly!

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