Wk 47-2024 Workout Journal


Au Debut

After the accident on Friday, I need to take it easy this week to make sure that my body can endure the trainings.

Should be an easy week giving my body some breaks too.

I’m not young any more and need more breaks here an there to have my body repaired properly…

Monday – Weight Training

  • Back Squat : 115lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Superset
    • Pendulum Squat : 25lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Crunch : 25lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Superset
    • Leg Extension : 130lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
    • Standing Core Rotation : 100lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Superset
    • Incline DB Bicep Curl : 22.5lbs 15 reps x 3 sets
    • Cable Tricep Push-down : 80lbs 15 reps x 3 sets
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Decent workouts. Trained with Anthony but Eric came in later to check on me situation. He saw the scar is getting redder so he had me switched to do arms instead of doing more legs because leg exercises require more braising and pressure to head. Always confident to know that they are looking out for you.

Tuesday – Weight Training

  • Incline DB Bench Press (5 sec down + 2 sec hold + 1 sec Press) : 35lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Seated Row (5 sec out + 2 sec hold + 1 sec Pull) : 60lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Cable Fly (4 sec hold) : 30lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

My scar was still open and was bleeding a little. Eric saw and decided not to increase blood pressure too much. I was feeling good though 🙁

Wednesday – Treadmill Walking

Not feeling that good today…

Thursday – Weight Training

  • Deadlift : 115lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • BB Shoulder Press : 45lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 65lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 75lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Seated DB Side Raise – Tempo 1 sec lift 3 sec down + Pump : 8 tempo + 10 Pump 7 sets
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Small exercises but my shoulders are burning. Went light on Deadlifts still, just in case.

Friday – Weight Training

  • Cable Lat Pull-down : 90lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 120lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 135lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Seated Cable Row : 120lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
  • Leg Press : 135lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 315lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 405lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
  • Crunch : 10 reps x 3 sets
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

LEG PRESS!!! 4 plates on each side…❗️❗️ Now this was first. Let’s hope I will be able to walk this weekend…

Notes to me-self

This week has become a unplanned rest week but that’s alright.

My joints were hurting and forearm was burning all week so might as well take it easy and hit it harder next week.

The ear seems to be healing well although it looks like it’d take longer to completely heal.

Let’s see what the next week brings!

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