It’s Autumn here in Quebec now.
The morning temperature is around 7℃ but during the day it gets as high as 16℃.
Times like this, it’s so hard to figure out what to wear in the morning.
But for us, gym boys, we just put on some tracksuits and trainers and we are off aren’t we????
I love this season the best though…
- Incline to Flat DB Chest Press :
- 40lbs : 35° x8, 30° x8, 15° x8, Flat x8
- 35lbs : 35° x8, 30° x8, 15° x5, Flat x5
- 35lbs : 35° x8, 30° x6, 15° x5, Flat x5
- T-Bar Row – Seated Cable Row – Cable Lat Pull-down (Wide Grip)
- 45lbs/100lbs/110lbs 3 x8
- Superset
- Cable Chest Fly : 30lbs 4 x10
- Cable Straight Arm Lat Pulldown : 60lbs 4 x10
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Deep Squat : 45lbs 1 x10, 95lbs 2 x10
- Squat : 135lbs 1 x8, 155lbs 1 x8, 175lbs 2 x8
- Superset
- Leg Extension : 120lbs 4 x10
- Leg Curl : 65lbs 1 x10, 75lbs 3 x10
- Leg Press : 115lbs 1 x15, 135lbs 3 x15
- 5 Min Bike Ride
- Superset
- Seated DB Shoulder Press : 35lbs 4 x8
- Bent-over DB Fly Variation : 15lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Incline DB Bicep Curl : 25lbs 4 x10
- EZ Bar Skull Crusher : 65lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Zottman Curl : 20lbs 1 x10
- DB Overhead Tricep Extension : 50lbs 4 x10
- Superset
- Cable Bicep Curl Variation : 60lbs 4 x10
- Cable Tricep Pull-down : 120lbs 4 x10
Notes to meself
Monday’s workouts were sick‼️
From shoulders to all arms were dead by the end of the session and I had to take some advil.
I had no strength left to lift even a cup the whole day.
Leg days have been such a blast for me these days.
I see muscle growth and the shapes have changed a lot as well.
Such a satisfying sight for me lol
Let’s hope next week will bring better feelings????

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