Au Debut
I first began blogging way back in early 2004 or 2005.
It was one of the way to communicate with my friends back home in Japan.
I found it interesting and fun to post photos with a little note and blabber about it more over the phone.
I’d like to assume my family read them too but surely they didn’t give a …
So yeah I’ve been blogging in Japanese for a long time.
I have used many platforms for blogging.
Mini-blog platform called Mixi was very popular and this was before Facebook.
Gawd, I’m showing me age aren’t I.
I can’t remember how many of them I used but Ameba was the one I used the longest.
Then moved onto Hatena, and finally reached to WordPress.
Tada ~ ✨
I still have Ameba and Hatena blogs but they are all redirected to my WordPress site.
I try to update my Japanese blog every day and of course as per, I miss a day here two days there.
Mini-blog was so popular in Korea, too, in early 2000s? I had that famous “CyWorld”, too.
Now I have a couple blogs in Korean but they’re mainly photos with a few lines in Korean.
And I post something new only when I remember that I even had them.
Now that I mentioned, I should go on over there and post something new … or not.
How often am I going to update this English blog…
That is a question for you to wonder and for me to ignore…
I just haven’t decided yet…
Oh well, A+

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