2024 Week 2 Workout Journal | Kevin's Journal
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2024 Week 2 Workout Journal

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Au debut

2024 has started and I’m already injured ????

I started my first workout on last Friday.

Because of the injury, I ended up working on the legs.



  • Pendulum Squat : 25lbs 4 x12
  • Leg Curl : 65lbs 4 x12
  • Leg Extension : 120lbs 4 x12, 1 x15
  • Leg Press : 90lbs 4 x15
  • Situp : 3 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride


  • Cable Chest Press : 60lbs 4 x10
  • Rear Delt Fly : 40lbs 4 x10
  • Cable Tricep Kickback : 60lbs 4 x10
  • Cable Bicep Curl : 70lbs 4 x10
  • 5 Min Bike Ride

Thursday – Saturday

Due to surgery, no workout

Notes me-self

This year started with an injury and onto surgery…

I will have to take a couple of week off from the workout.

But after that, I’d have to train harder!

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