Au Debut
Week 26.
That means we are at the turning point of 2024.
Most of the schools finished the semester. You can tell that from empty roads.
That doesn’t mean much to me and I just keep going until I’m off for my vacation.
Need to get all the workouts in until then.
Monday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Incline Bench DB Fly : 25lbs 8 reps x 4 sets
- Cable Fly (Low to High) : 60lbs 12 reps x 4 sets
- Superset
- Lying DB Fly (Neutral Grip) : 30lbs 15 reps x 5 sets
- Cable Fly (Hight to Low) : 80lbs 12 reps x 5 sets
- Superset
- Rear Deltoid Fly : 60lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 70lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
- Pec Fly : 60lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 70lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
- Diamond Push-up : 10 reps x 1 set, 15 reps x 2 sets
- 4 Min Bike Ride
Trying to fill out my upper chest more. The workouts were targeting the area but it’s such a small area and very hard to concentrate to hit the area consistently. Continue to work at it is all I can do.
Tuesday – Weight Training
- Superset
- Back Squat : 45lbs 10 reps x 1 set, [Tempo 3 sec] 115lbs 6 reps x 1 set, 125lbs 6 reps x 1 set, 135lbs 6 reps x 2 sets
- Pendulum Squat : Orange Rubber Band 10 reps x 5 sets
- Leg Press (Sumo Stance) : 135lbs 15 reps x 1 set, 225lbs 15 reps x 3 sets
- Leg Extension : 100lbs 8 reps (last 2 reps hold at the top for 10 sec) x 4 sets
- Standing Calf Raise : 120lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
My legs were DEAD. But felt sooo good. It was a great workout. Quads were shaking while driving on the way to work after. Let’s hope these workouts will make my legs grow!!
Wednesday – Treadmill Walking

Thursday – Weight Training
- Pull-ups : Body weight 8 reps x 1 set, 10lbs 6 reps x 1 set, 25lbs 6 reps x 1 set, 35lbs 6 reps x 3 sets
- Superset
- Lat Pulldown (Wide Grip) : 110lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
- T-Bar Row : 45lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
- Superset
- One-arm DB Row : 47.5lbs 8 reps x 3 sets
- Ez Bar Upright Row : 65lbs 8 reps x 3 sets
- 5 Min Bike Ride
Fantastic workout‼️ I wasn’t really sure if I can pull-up with 35lbs dangling from my waist! Now my backs are in pain ???? Two days of great workout, I’m feeling VERY good.
Friday – Weight Training
- Deadlift : 35lbs 8 reps x 1 set, 45lbs 8 reps x 4 sets
- Superset
- Incline Bench DB Bicep Curl : 30lbs 8 reps x 4 sets
- DB Overhead Tricep Extension : 50lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
- Superset
- EZ-Bar Reverse Bicep Curl : 50lbs 8 reps x 4 sets
- Cable Tricep Rope Pulldown : 80lbs 10 reps x 1 set, 90lbs 10 reps x 3 sets
- Superset
- Standing DB Bicep Curl (Slow Tempo) : 22.5lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
- Lying DB Skull Crusher : 20lbs 10 reps x 4 sets
- 5 Min Bike Ride
I’m still preoccupied with the fear of deadlift. I’m more focused and paying attention to each rep while I’m doing them but am afraid that I might hurt myself again. Eric saw that and stopped working on the hamstring and lower back. Switched to arms but felt like shit for not being able to continue with the plan.
Notes to me-self
All in all it was a good week of training.
I can’t shake off the fear of hurting myself again doing deadlifts and that bothers me.
I was alright last week and this week as well but boy that first lift is SCARY.
Hope I can get over this fear.
The kids are back for summer athletic camp and the gym gets really full and lively.
Let’s hope they won’t be too much of nuisance when I’m training.
