アラフィフの筋トレ– tag –
Wk 52-2024 Workout Journal
Au debut This is the last week of 2024! My schedule hasn't changed. 4 days except for Xmas day. I'm taking off next week so I should put in as much as I can! Monday - Weight Training Superset Deadlift : 10-8-8-4-8 reps, 115-145-145-190-1... -
Wk 51-2024 Workout Journal
Au debut 2024 is almost over. This week will be the last full week of training before the new year. Since we ain't got no plans for Xmas this year, I might just continue training next week, too. I will have to make a decision either way ... -
Wk 50-2024 Workout Journal
Au debut It's 50th week of 2024. Almost this year is over. Many things happened this year, too. But one thing is certain. That I'm happy with the progresses I've made so far. Isn't it all that matters? Monday - Weight Training Superset D... -
Wk 49-2024 Workout Journal
Au debut It's December! Finally the white powder came down.. It's been strangely warm and without snow. I don't think I haven't seen November without snow ever... This month's training is a preparation for GVT starting next month. Monday... -
Wk 48-2024 Workout Journal
Au debut Every time we go to Clayton to see in-laws, I come back gaining a few kilos. This time wasn't different. I really believe American Foods have got to do with this. Monday - Weight Training Back Squat : 115lbs 12 reps x 1 set, 125... -
Wk 47-2024 Workout Journal
Au Debut After the accident on Friday, I need to take it easy this week to make sure that my body can endure the trainings. Should be an easy week giving my body some breaks too. I'm not young any more and need more breaks here an there ...