Workout Wk 20-2023 Workout Diary Intro Mid week of May. The weather has gotten so much better that people began wearing short sleeve ... 2023.05.19 Workout
Workout Wk 19-2023 Workout Diary Au Debut From this week, I'd have to get up early in the morning. The gym has student classes during... 2023.05.12 Workout
Workout Wk 18-2023 Workout Diary Au Debut It's already May but the outside temperature is still hovering 9℃ during the day. The weath... 2023.05.05 Workout
Workout Wk 17-2023 Workout Dairy Au Debut It's week 17 out 52 already! I've got only 4 weeks before going to DR (Dominican Republic).... 2023.04.28 Workout